Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Message from Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission President
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Opening Speech
by Dragoș Pîslaru , Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, European Parliament
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Keynote lecture
by Professor Mariana Mazzucato,  University College London
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The Social Dimension of the Green Transition
by Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
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European Pillar of Social Rights: delivering a European Social Union by 2030 and beyond
by Frank Vandenbroucke, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health
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5th anniversary of the European Pillar of Social Rights
by Jean-Claude Juncker, former European Commission President
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Perspectives from the Presidency
by Marian Jurečka, Czech Deputy Prime-Minister and Minister for Labour and Social Affairs
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Pact for Skills: Reskilling workers for a green future and high quality jobs
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Panel debate on a green and fair future
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Closing words
by Joost Korte, Director-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
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Thursday November 17, 2022

by Joost Korte, Director-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
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People and planet first - Unleashing the social economy
Debate with green social entrepreneurs, followed by Q&A
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Introduction to the break out sessions
by Helena Dalli, European Commissioner for Equality
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Young Europeans - employment and social challenges ahead (ESDE 22)
2022 Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE)
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Tapping into the potential of a care economy
European Care Strategy
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From vision to reality: ensuring an inclusive transition for all
A Fair Transition
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Ensuring equal access to quality care services
European Care Strategy
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Exploiting synergies between the green and the digital transitions
A Fair Transition
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Young people in the post COVID-19 labour market: scarring effects, learning losses and emerging opportunities (ESDE 22)
2022 Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE)
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The European Care Strategy: Putting people at the center
European Care Strategy
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A fair digital transition: digital rights and principles in the new world of work
A Fair Transition
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Diversity in the living conditions of the young- who benefits, who struggles?
2022 Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE)
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Closing Speech
Andriana Sukova, Deputy Director-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
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