Full Name
Academic title
Cohesion Policy Attaché
Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU
Organisation type
Not Applicable
Rūta Dapkutė-Stankevičienė is a former Director of the Investment Department of the Ministry of Finance of Lithuania, which is acting as the Managing Authority for 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 Cohesion policy funds, RRF, JTF, BAR, and other programmes. Following the successful completion of the programming of 2021-2027 investments and national recovery plan, in 2022 she moved to Brussels to work as a Cohesion Policy Attaché. Rūta has been working on various Cohesion Policy matters for 20 years already – setting up of the management and control systems, programming, implementation, monitoring, reporting, capacity building, etc. During her career she was also engaged in the development and implementation of several state level reforms for setting up of strategic planning system, sustainable development of financial markets and others. For already a decade, Rūta has been a member of the European Social Fund Committee and several other Cohesion Policy groups and networks.
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