Investing in People in Ukraine
Strengthening Skills and Enhancing Digital Transformation with support of the EU and the EBRD
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
A highly skilled, adaptable and sufficiently large workforce is key to Ukraine’s resilience, long term recovery and modernisation. Targeted investments in people and policy interventions, including the promotion of digital skills and use of technologies, will play a central role in this process. In the context of the forthcoming Ukraine Facility, Commissioner Schmit and the Vice-President of the EBRD - Mark Bowman, together with other high-level speakers from the EU and from Ukraine, will highlight the importance of keeping a focus on empowering people through, especially, reskilling and upskilling initiatives.
Nicolas Schmit DG EMPL, European Commission European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
Mark Bowman EBRD Vice President Policy and Partnerships
Marlene Rosemarie Madsen Ukraine Service, in DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations. Deputy Director and Head of the Economic and Sectoral Policies Unit
Barbara Rambousek EBRD Director, Gender and Economic Inclusion
Vasile Tofan Horizon Capital Senior Partner
Pilvi Torsti European Training Foundation Director
Andrii Remizov Entrepreneurship and Export Promotion Office (EEPO) Director